bymariko tsuchiyamaMariko Tsuchiyama
無調色のナチュラルパールをいかした繊細かつ有機的なフォルムのジュエリーが揃うmariko tsuchiyama(マリコ ツチヤマ)。ツチヤマさんのインスピレーション源は、日々の暮らしのなかで目にするもの、特に自然界のものだそう。「植物の茎や果物の種、木の実、貝殻、波に摩耗された小石、水たまり、さらには女性の肌など。なかでも植物の形状や質感は見ていて飽きることがありません。そういったもののラインやフォルムをそのままジュエリーにいかすわけではありませんが、意識の深いところで影響していると思います」
mariko tsuchiyama offers a fine selection of jewelry, all with exquisite, organic forms that feature colorless, natural pearls. Ms. Tsuchiyama finds inspiration in things that she sees in everyday life, particularly the natural world. “Plant stalks, fruit seeds, nuts, seashells, pebbles smoothed by waves, puddles, and even women’s skin. I never tire of looking at the shapes and textures of plants in particular. I don’t directly reflect the lines and forms of such in my jewelry, but they probably influence my work somewhere deep down.
“I’ve studied the art of tea ceremonies, and I also find inspiration in ancient Japanese traditions and practices as well as aesthetics that are uniquely Japanese. Take for example the beauty that the tea room and the tea ceremony utensils produce or the beauty evident in the tea ceremony’s movements. I like things that are not ornate and that are free of frills. Even in jewelry making, I try to avoid unnecessary decorations and bring out the pearls.”
* Photo 1 shows the pebbles at the seaside near her atelier. Photo 2 shows a page of Katachi—Nihon no Katachi, one of her favorite books. The photobook is a collection of many shapes and forms that are evident in Japan, as expressed through paper, wood, bamboo, stone, and other materials.
“I’ve studied the art of tea ceremonies, and I also find inspiration in ancient Japanese traditions and practices as well as aesthetics that are uniquely Japanese. Take for example the beauty that the tea room and the tea ceremony utensils produce or the beauty evident in the tea ceremony’s movements. I like things that are not ornate and that are free of frills. Even in jewelry making, I try to avoid unnecessary decorations and bring out the pearls.”
* Photo 1 shows the pebbles at the seaside near her atelier. Photo 2 shows a page of Katachi—Nihon no Katachi, one of her favorite books. The photobook is a collection of many shapes and forms that are evident in Japan, as expressed through paper, wood, bamboo, stone, and other materials.
“I visited Spain for the first time eight or nine years ago and spent a summer there. I stayed in Barcelona for about a month or two, attending a Spanish language school in the mornings and going to museums, swimming in the sea, or making jewelry in the afternoons. It was a period of much learning.”
“Horta de Sant Joan in Catalonia’s south, which I visited during my stay, is particularly memorable. The small village is nestled in a valley, and it’s known that Picasso stayed there when he was young. It was peaceful and quiet in its own unique way. The village had the tranquil sense that creativity needs. There were many brick, earth-tone buildings, and the town had a nostalgic, rustic feel. The atmosphere there was different to those of Spain’s other regions. The village is far out of the way, so I distinctly remember the journey that I weaved my way along the foot of the mountains on the way there.”
* Photo 1 is a snapshot of a friend’s summer house where Ms. Tsuchiyama stayed. Photos 2 and 3 show Horta de Sant Joan’s landscape and village.
“Horta de Sant Joan in Catalonia’s south, which I visited during my stay, is particularly memorable. The small village is nestled in a valley, and it’s known that Picasso stayed there when he was young. It was peaceful and quiet in its own unique way. The village had the tranquil sense that creativity needs. There were many brick, earth-tone buildings, and the town had a nostalgic, rustic feel. The atmosphere there was different to those of Spain’s other regions. The village is far out of the way, so I distinctly remember the journey that I weaved my way along the foot of the mountains on the way there.”
* Photo 1 is a snapshot of a friend’s summer house where Ms. Tsuchiyama stayed. Photos 2 and 3 show Horta de Sant Joan’s landscape and village.
“While the sea isn’t directly out front, my atelier is near the sea. It’s about a 10-minute walk to the sea. Looking at the sea naturally changes my outlook and enables me to maintain a neutral state of mind. Coming into contact with nature enables me to smoothly switch between on-duty and off.”
“Pearls are materials that are integral to my craft. Next to coral, they are one of the only gems that are made by living organisms, so they have a rareness to them. Their simple, graphical form is also charming. It’s also fascinating how adding sculpted designs and curves through the base metalwork can completely change the feel. While perfect spheres are beautiful, I prefer using pearls that have irregular forms. I’m drawn to the fact that no two shapes are the same. Many of the items that I make are earrings. Pearls are strongly equated with formal dress, but I wanted to bring them into the realm of everyday jewelry. Pearls are easy to integrate if they’re on an earlobe, and they’re easy to see when they’re there.”
“There are many pearl farms in the coastal Nagasaki town where I was born and raised, and I developed an interest in pearl jewelry during my visits when I was a child. My childhood environment led to where I am today. I always inspect the pearls before buying them. Then, I imagine the design while feeling each one. I mentioned earlier that everyday things and natural things are sources of inspiration, but pearls are huge sources of inspiration as well.”
* The photos show the Brighton seaside where Ms. Tsuchiyama has her atelier.
“Pearls are materials that are integral to my craft. Next to coral, they are one of the only gems that are made by living organisms, so they have a rareness to them. Their simple, graphical form is also charming. It’s also fascinating how adding sculpted designs and curves through the base metalwork can completely change the feel. While perfect spheres are beautiful, I prefer using pearls that have irregular forms. I’m drawn to the fact that no two shapes are the same. Many of the items that I make are earrings. Pearls are strongly equated with formal dress, but I wanted to bring them into the realm of everyday jewelry. Pearls are easy to integrate if they’re on an earlobe, and they’re easy to see when they’re there.”
“There are many pearl farms in the coastal Nagasaki town where I was born and raised, and I developed an interest in pearl jewelry during my visits when I was a child. My childhood environment led to where I am today. I always inspect the pearls before buying them. Then, I imagine the design while feeling each one. I mentioned earlier that everyday things and natural things are sources of inspiration, but pearls are huge sources of inspiration as well.”
* The photos show the Brighton seaside where Ms. Tsuchiyama has her atelier.
「どのジュエリーも素材がある限り継続してつくっているので、すべてが定番といえます。なかでも思い入れがあるのは、ケシパールを使ったピアス『Large Keshi Pierced Earring』。ケシパールとは、真珠貝のなかに偶然入り込んだ砂などの異物に貝が真珠層を巻きつけてできる、核のない真珠のことを指します」
“I continue to make every piece of jewelry as long as the materials are available, so every piece can be considered a staple of the lineup. I am particularly fond of the Large Keshi Pierced Earrings, which feature Keshi pearls. A Keshi pearl is a pearl that doesn’t have a nucleus. It forms when a pearl-producing mollusk layers nacre over a sand grain or other foreign body that has found its way in by chance.”
“Keshi pearls are named after their resemblance to Keshi (Japanese word for poppies), so many are small. However, this earring is made using a large Keshi pearl from Tahiti. Tahitian Keshi pearls are extremely rare, so this is an item that is difficult to produce in quantity. I love its distinctive organic form that was born from chance and is unlike any other. Because neither the pearl nor the wire has a uniform shape, the earring shows off a different facet depending on the angle it’s viewed. It’s ideal for men as well.”
“Keshi pearls are named after their resemblance to Keshi (Japanese word for poppies), so many are small. However, this earring is made using a large Keshi pearl from Tahiti. Tahitian Keshi pearls are extremely rare, so this is an item that is difficult to produce in quantity. I love its distinctive organic form that was born from chance and is unlike any other. Because neither the pearl nor the wire has a uniform shape, the earring shows off a different facet depending on the angle it’s viewed. It’s ideal for men as well.”
「いずれのジュエリーも基本的には定番ですが、春夏と秋冬の年2回、新作をまじえたコレクションを発表しています。いま展開しているラインナップのなかで特におすすめしたいのは、白蝶真珠や南洋真珠とも呼ばれるサウスシーパールを使ったリング『Moon Ring With Pave』。白蝶貝という大きな二枚貝から採れる真珠で、アコヤ真珠に比べて大粒で、優しい輝きが特徴です」
“Every jewelry piece is fundamentally a staple, but we introduce a collection, which includes new items, twice a year: a spring and summer season collection and a fall and winter season collection. I particularly recommend the Moon Ring with Pave from the collection that we currently offer. It has a South Sea pearl or White Butterfly pearl, which comes from a large bivalve called the White Butterfly or White Pearl Oyster. The pearl is bigger than an Akoya pearl, and it features a soft shine.”
“Inspired by this shine, I imagined the moon reflecting in water when creating this ring. Melee diamonds adorn both sides of the ring as paves. The diamonds are obtained through conflict-free sources, while the 18K base gold is recycled gold. For ethical and sustainability reasons, the use of recycled gold is becoming common in the UK.”
* “Conflict-free” denotes the non-use of ores, minerals, gems, and such that have been mined and sold under the control of armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring countries.
“Inspired by this shine, I imagined the moon reflecting in water when creating this ring. Melee diamonds adorn both sides of the ring as paves. The diamonds are obtained through conflict-free sources, while the 18K base gold is recycled gold. For ethical and sustainability reasons, the use of recycled gold is becoming common in the UK.”
* “Conflict-free” denotes the non-use of ores, minerals, gems, and such that have been mined and sold under the control of armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring countries.
マリコ・ツチヤマさん/mariko tsuchiyama(マリコ ツチヤマ) デザイナー
mariko tsuchiyama(マリコ ツチヤマ)/2016年に⻑崎産アコヤ真珠やタヒチパールを使ったコレクションによってスタートした英国発のハンドメイドによるジュエリーブランド。調⾊や加⼯を施さない、⾃然のままの⾊と形をもつパールを主に素材として使⽤。
mariko tuschiyamaの商品一覧